Thursday, April 27, 2006

Big News

My mom isn't going on her trip during the wedding weekend. She didn't tell me her reasons for cancelling, but I think it is partly due to my wedding and partly due to her sister who is very ill with lung cancer. My mom is flying out this weekend to be with her sister, who has basically given up on life and is making her funeral preparations. Please continue to pray for her healing: she was doing much, much better, but has suddently taken a turn for the worse.

To put this matter to rest, I would like to ask everyone to give my mom grace that I did not give her. As Chad mentioned in his comments, there is another side to the story. I do not think I was wrong in what I was wanting (my mother by my side in planning the wedding), but I was definitely wrong to make it a public display and open my family up for ridicule. I can't take anything back, so please forgive me for being unwise with that matter, and don't think ill of my mother. I love her, and I definitely need her during this time. Thanks, ya'll. :oD

1 comment:

Melissa P. said...

Yay that she decided to stick around on your wedding weekend!

Sher, you're very mature. I'm impressed.