Friday, April 07, 2006

This Week in Wedding Planning

Well, actually, this all happened today.

Jason booked the photographer. The guy did pictures for a friend of his from work, and they were good. The neat thing is that he gives you all the film at the end to do with as you please. The only downfall is that we then have 11 or 12 rolls of film to deal with. I think it is a good choice, though, and it's done.

My pastor called me today to tell me he is resigning ... and will probably be unable to officiate at my wedding. This throws a large kink in the plans, since I was planning to have the ceremony at my church with my pastor. However, this does free me up to change the one thing that has been bothering me for a while ... having the ceremony so far from the reception. I know that people don't mind driving 10 miles, but it sure does seem like a hassle. It would be one thing if we were having the reception at some nice place with dinner and dancing, but that's now what we're doing. The reception is only going to be cake and punch in the Social Hall of Jason's church. So, I've been toying with the idea of just having the ceremony there, too. We will be looking into this more next week. I think it will ultimately be a much better solution, and will definitely reduce stress for me and the guests on the 'big day.'

Well, I guess that actually is all. Jason made some other phone calls today, but nothing has been confirmed, yet. He is looking into possibly booking a D.J., and will call about cakes when I get more info. I need to get flower and cake info from a friend at church. She was working on a really tight budget and gave me some good ideas last weekend. I hope something works out in that area. I need to get the ball rolling on some of these things.


Jen said...

I used a great DJ that I liked very well. He charged me $300 for 3-4 hours and I booked him on a week's notice (long story!) I was very pleased.

If you're interested, his info is:
Frank DeSimone

Sher said...

Thanks! I will send that to Jason. :)

jeric2003 said...

If you like the idea and want to save money, just make CDs of music that YOU love and have a friend who knows how to operate a sound system take care of making sure it's played at the proper times. That's what we did, and the FIL made all announcements on a mic. That saved us hundreds of bucks.

Sher said...

I have considered that, Roland! Dan Price also volunteered. :o)