Friday, February 10, 2006

One more decision made, 5 million to go

We've decided on wedding rings! Woo hoo!

Jason's ring is smililar to this:

My ring is something like this, but only one diamond on each side, yellow gold, and with no center stone. It should match up nicely and complement the engagement ring very well.

You have no idea how happy this makes me. Now, if I can just finalize and order the dress, I will feel like this wedding is actually going to happen.


Melissa P. said...

Sher, don't go for that. Hand-me-downs aren't the way to go unless you are really, really, REALLY poor.

Sher said...

Don't worry. We are going to put the deposit down on Friday and get them ordered. We've waited a long time for this ... we're not taking seconds, even if we do have to be cheap.