Monday, March 06, 2006

Productive Weekend

I would have posted this last night, but Blogger was being veeeeeeery slooooooow.

We had quite the productive wedding planning weekend. On Saturday we went to Facets 58, got my wedding ring fitted, ordered Jason's ring, and put money down on both. Next we went to Friar Tux to pick out and reserve the tuxes for groom, best man, groomsmen, jr groomsman, and ring bearer. After that we went to Target and spent an hour adding items to our registry. Finally, we went to the 4th class of our Pre-marriage class.

On Sunday, we spent 3 1/2 hours in Bed Bath & Beyond working on another registry. It was quite the adventure going through the whole store basically planning out our future ... everything from pots and pans to bed linens and shower curtains. It took a long time, but was actually very fun. I don't like shopping (I'm WAY too picky), but it was fun to go through and scan in all this stuff, hoping someone else will buy it for us.

Bed Bath & Beyond is the most amazing place for your registry. They are VERY professional and take GOOD care of you. We had probably every associate in the store stop by and ask how we were doing and if we needed help. That might sound annoying, but it was actually refreshing to have folks who work in Customer Service actually give service to the customers. Overall, a fabulous experience and one I recommend for anyone who is getting married and looking for place to register. Not only do they have fabulous products and decent prices, but the service is friendly and attentive. What more could you ask for?


jeric2003 said...

Just a little bit of advice regarding registries:

I tried to keep mine simple and affordable for guests by doing the majority of my registries as less-expensive items from Target. I ended up with a lot of rusting silverware and kitchen items (Target brand) that all had to be replaced in the past couple of years. The chrome bathroomware sets rust as well. I also bought wood furniture there - not great quality, chipping, and the stain comes off the corners of tables easily.

All that to say don't be afraid to register for the slightly better quality things. Register for nice silverware. I alwas regretted not doing that, and also not registering for nice dishes (not necessarily china, but something nicer).

ALSO, don't be afraid to splurge a little bit here and there! You might think people won't buy some of the nicer items, but you'd be surprised! Some friends like to go in together for gifts, or sometimes there are the oddest relatives who will buy you the biggest item on your list. :)

Sher said...

Thanks for the advice, Jeri. That really is what we did. We went for what we really wanted, within reason, and the good-quality stuff. Our basic philosophy was, if we don't ask for it, we won't get it! :)

We registered for a nice set of flatware (the same that my roommate has and I love it), a fabulous set of pots and pans ... both on the pricy end of things. For linens, we picked out what we really want, which is a bit costly at BB&B, then tried to find some coordinating pieces that were still good quality, but had a lower price point.

I hope there is 'something for everyone' so to speak. And, if we don't get what we want, they gave us a 20% off coupon to use on one item, and a 10% off whole purchase of items on our registry that we do not receive as gifts. I love BB&B!

Humbled Man said...

Get on the BB&B mailing list! We get 20% coupons in the mail all the time and we end up throwing a lot of them away because we can't shop there as often as we get coupons in the mail. Each of the catalogs in the mail also has either a 20% or a $5 off coupon as well. If you're interested, I also think there was a 20% off coupon in last Sunday's Orange County Register newspaper. You should ask Amanda for some of our old coupons sometime.

Sher said...

Unfortunately, I'm in the same boat as you ... love the store, don't have money to spend there.

Which is why registering was so fun! We went around with the little scanner and picked out everything we wanted, but didn't spend a dime!

Jen said...

I am the Bed Bath and Beyond QUEEN. I ADORE that store. We were registered there, too.

Couple things:

1. They also take Linens N Things Coupons

2. Make sure you stay on their mailing list. If you do a change of address through the Post Office, you may also get a 20% off entire purchase coupon in the mail.

3. Save your coupons. They have expiration dates on them (law in some states) but it is company policy to not enforce the dates (I've spoken to corporate and many store managers to confirm this). I'm still using coupons that I collected around the time of our 2003 wedding. You can also use 5 coupons on one transaction, so long as you have 5 different items.

4. I also ditto what Jeri said about registries.